Use Cases#

We will cover here the main supported use cases for editable installs, including the recommended approaches for exposing the files to the import system.

Project directory installed “as is”#

A key example of this is the recommended “src layout” for a project, where a single directory (typically named src) is copied unchanged into the target site-packages.

For this use case, the project.add_to_path method is ideal, making the project directory available to the import system directly.

There are almost no downsides to this approach, as it is using core import system mechanisms to manage sys.path. Furthermore, the method is implemented using .pth files, which are recognised by static analysis tools such as type checkers, and so editable installs created using this method will be visible in such tools.

Project directory installed under an explicit package name#

This is essentially the same as the previous use case, but rather than installing the project directory directly into site-packages, it is installed under a partocular package name. So, for example, if the project has a src directory containing a package foo and a module, the requirement is to install the contents of src as and

For this use case, the project.add_to_subpackage method is available. This method creates the my.namespace package (by installing an file for it into site-packages) and gives that package a __path__ attribute pointing to the source directory to be installed under that package name.

Again, this approach uses core import system mechanisms, and so will have few or no downsides at runtime. However, because this approach relies on runtime manipulation of sys.path, it will not be recognised by static analysis tools.

Installing part of a source directory#

The most common case for this is a “flat” project layout, where the package and module files to be installed are stored alongside project files such as pyproject.toml. This layout is typically not recommended, particularly for new projects, although older projects may be using this type of layout for historical reasons.

The core import machinery does not provide a “native” approach supporting excluding part of a directory like this, so custom import hooks are needed to implement it. At the time of writing, all such custom hook implementations have limitations, and should be considered experimental. As a result, build backends should always prefer one of the other implementation methods when available.

The method allows mapping of either a single Python file, or a Python package directory, to an explicit top-level name in the import system. It does this by installing a .pth file and a Python module. The .pth file simply runs the Python module, and the module installs the requested set of mappings using an import hook exported by the editables module.

Downsides of this approach are:

  1. The approach depends on the ability to run executable code from a .pth file. While this is a supported capability of .pth files, it is considered a risk, and there have been proposals to remove it. If that were to happen, this mechanism would no longer work.

  2. It adds a runtime dependency on the editables module, rather than just a build-time dependency.

  3. The import hook has known limitations when used with implicit namespace packages - there is a CPython issue discussing some of the problems.

Unsupported use cases#

In addition to the above there are a number of use cases which are explicitly not supported by this library. That is not to say that editable installs cannot do these things, simply that the build backend will need to provide its own support.

Metadata changes#

This library does not support dynamically changing installed project metadata when the project source changes. Typically, a reinstall is needed in those cases. A significant example of a metadata change is a change to the script entry points, which affects what command-line executables are installed.

Binary extensions#

Binary extensions require a build step when the source code is changed. This library does not support any sort of automatic rebuilding, nor does it support automatic reinstallation of binaries.

The build backend may choose to expose the “working” version of the built binary, for example by placing a symbolic link to the binary in a directory that is visible to the import system as a result of project.add_to_path, but that would need to be implemented by the backend.

Mapping non-Python directories or files#

The methods of an editable project are all intended explicitly for exposing Python code to the import system. Other types of resource, such as data files, are not supported, except in the form of package data physically located in a Python package directory in the source.

Combining arbitrary code into a package#

The library assumes that a typical project layout, at least roughly, matches the installed layout - and in particular that Python package directories are “intact” in the source. Build backends can support more complex structures, but in order to expose them as editable installs, they need to create some form of “live” reflection of the final layout in a local directory (for example by using symbolic links) and create the editable install using that shadow copy of the source.

It is possible that a future version of this library may add support for more complex mappings of this form, but that would likely require a significant enhancement to the import hook mechanism being used, and would be a major, backward incompatible, change. There are currently no plans for such a feature, though.